Wix Custom Actions Patch

The WiX Toolset formerly known as Windows Installer XML is a toolset that builds Windows installation packages and WiX bootstrappers from XML source code. The toolset supports a command line environment that developers may integrate into their build processes to build MSI and MSM setup packages

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The following article uses options that are available starting

with the Professional edition and project


The installation process can be controlled using Custom Actions. They can be dynamic linked

libraries, Visual Basic scripts or JavaScript files. A custom action

written in C will generate a dynamic linked library file

DLL. I. Tools required

In order to create a custom action in C the WiX

Toolset is required to be installed on the developer machine.

Once downloaded and installed, the toolset will add all necessary

modules enabling you to create C custom actions from Microsoft

Visual Studio.

For Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and 2008

editions WiX 3.0 Toolset is required. WiX 3.5

Toolset supports only Microsoft Visual Studio

2010 edition.II. Creating a C custom actions project

Once all the necessary tools are installed, the following

steps must be followed:

1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio

2. From the Menu bar

select File New Project

3. From the New

Project dialog select WiX project type and

C Custom Action Project

By default, the new project will generate a simple custom

action that will write some text in the installer log:using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller;

namespace CustomAction1

public class CustomActions


public static ActionResult CustomAction1 Session session

session.Log Begin CustomAction1 ; // Here you can write your own custom action code

return ActionResult.Success;

4. Based on the above example,

CustomAction1 is the name of the custom

action function. This name can be customized when writing your own

custom action.III. Generate the custom action file

1. From the Menu bar select the Build Build

Solution option.

2. This will generate two DLL

files: CustomAction1.dll and


3. The

CustomAction1.CA.dll file is the one that

holds the C custom action which will be used in Advanced Installer.IV. Integrate the C custom action in Advanced Installer

1. Select the CustomAction1.CA.dll

file and add it to your Advanced Installer project

2. Go to Custom Actions Page, add a Launch Installed

File custom action with sequence from Add Custom Action

Tab or the toolbar and select

3. In the

Function Name field from the Custom Action Properties view select


4. Build the project

and test itV. Get / Set properties from C custom


The following example demonstrates how to get or set an

installer public property from a C custom action:public static ActionResult CustomAction1 Session session

// sending message to installation log

session.Log Begin CustomAction1 ;

// getting a property

YourVariable session YOUR_PROPERTY ;

// setting a property


return ActionResult.Success;

Below is a link to a short video depicting the steps

explained above.

Build and Run C custom actionVI. Debug C custom action

1. Add some code for displaying a message box at the

beginning of your custom action:public static ActionResult CustomAction1 Session session

// display message to allow attaching the debugger

MessageBox.Show Please attach a debugger to rundll32.exe., Attach ;

// sending message to installation log

session.Log Begin CustomAction1 ;


1. Since you will use MessageBox, make sure you have a

reference to System.Windows.Forms.dll

2. Add a breakpoint on

the next line of code, after your message box code

3. Rebuild

your custom action project with Visual Studio

4. Rebuild your

Advanced Installer project

5. Run the installation using Run

and Log from Advanced Installer

6. When the message box

displays, go to Visual Studio project Tools Attach to


7. From the Available Processes list select the

process with the name rundll32.exe and title Attach


Click Ok on the message box in your installation

9. The

breakpoint you set earlier should now be activated in VS

While debugging the custom action after implementing the

above steps, you can observe the property changes in the Log pane of

Advanced Installer.

Debug C custom action.

WiX v3.10.1 is a maintenance release of WiX v3.10 with the following important fixes: barnson implemented a workaround for a Visual Studio 2015 issue that caused.

  • Q A for professional and enthusiast programmers Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site.
  • How to create fully fledged C custom actions. The following article uses options that are available starting with the Professional edition and project type.

I put together a sample project to show the minimum code needed to create your own managed bootstrapper application using WiX. I wrote it in C using the MVVM.

How to create fully fledged C# custom actions?

Pure WiX patching is a godsend, if you ve ever wrestled with the painfully useless errors common with MsiMsp.exe/PatchWiz.dll. However, pure WiX patching.

I want to show a dialog to the user that says this is going to be removed with this installation and if YES or OK is pressed, then the installation can continue.

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