Sony Mx 7000 Driver is the fastest way to get you hardware driver, search between 30,000 Model. The site includes tutorials, installation guides, Security and virus alerts.

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sony mx 7000 driver

Hard Reset Sony Tablet S SGPT11 Series to Restore Factory Settings hardware based. Pressing the reset button hole will not revert settings to factory.

Side-by-side camera comparison

I am one of many mugs that bought a mx7000 - pc 350 and am searching all over for the camera driver, but cant seem to find one. Although after Googling I am now aware that these camera s are fake, but does anyone have a link for the software please.

I have the same camera only its just a standard mx7000 not a ringer lol.

If you want the drivers i could probably email you them contact me.

This equally applies to an mx 700 jvc : identical except for the sticker.

See this old news item

it costs 100 and records to. internal memory. does absolutely nothing well and seems to me to be a con. Cheap. no ultra cheap but fakely rebranded to attract more money

One of my aquantances got one off a TV shopping channel and wondered why they could never get a decent video.

Even the Mobile phones can do better video and stills and still be used to make phone calls

If it seems too good to be true it more than likely is.

I might get one for my 5 year old to learn how to hold a camcorder

Yep we got scamed too, well i say we my parent bought me one of these for xmas knowing that i m into stop frame animation and that i could hook it too my pc. Why i do not know as i had not long bought a fujifilm finepix e900 that does the job.

Anyway i did however get a driver cd with it and gave the cam to my youger sister. I d warn anyone who is even thinking of getting one of these that for 100 you could get a much better digi cam with better video than this thing.

I d be happy to e-mail the drivers to anyone who needs them.

my e-mail addie is mshellshear

just drop me an e-mail and i ll sort it out.


I thought it would be a good idea to upload the driver of this scamera get it, oh i make me laugh

I uploaded the file to two different file hosts just incase one gets deleted, I did find the installer hung once it had finished but after a re-start of windows i could find the camera in the mycomputer folder.

Link 1:-


I hope this helps anyone who got scammed, I would just throw it away or give it to someone you don t like as a birthday present, My mum and Dad got scammed thats who i ended up with mine.

Good luck trying to get rid of them nasty cameras

Michael Shellshear

Thanks x 2


Just reading your blog guys. I bought one of these cameras privately, not knowing they were a fake. I should have done a Google search first before buying, what a mug. . I WAS gonna put it on eBay, now, since reading reading your reviews etc. I ve changed my mind. Don t want any dodgy deals from me on eBay, got a good feedback, don t wanna ruin it cos a scabby fake camcorder. It DOES take moving piccies, as well as stills, but the quality was never good. I uploaded from the cam and some, not all photos and vids were not good quality. Thought it was me and my cam skills. Cant find any ref to a SONY mx 7000 for a driver update anywhere, it doesn t exist. So, BEWARE anyone being offered these cams cheap, you ll be stung good style, just like a few of us have been. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED..

Fake Sony Camcorder mx 7000
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  • Side-by-side camera comparison. The side by side comparison tool lets you easily view the specifications of two or more cameras. Choose the cameras from the list.