Remove Antivirus From Wmi

A computer error called the Bad Image error usually indicates an infection from a computer virus. Computer infections are dangerous as they reproduce in your system.

WMI is an acronym for Windows Management Instrumentation The Installer securely delivers software from s servers to.

This program is designed to help in a SCCM environment where there is a need to provide a multiple set of drivers to a task sequence during an operating system deployment.

How to Completely Remove Norton AntiVirus. Norton products, developed by Symantec Corporation, are devoted to computer and Internet security for personal and business.

Get WMI Query

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Or, you can uninstall SymSilent from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window s Control Panel.

remove antivirus from wmi


Spiceworks can collect Antivirus information from both the WMI repository through Windows Security Center and from the registry.

One possible reason for two Antivirus products being picked up by Spiceworks when only one is installed could be an extra entry in the WMI repository. You can use wbemtest to determine this and clean the non-installed Antivirus entry.


Run wbemtest from the command prompt as an administrator

After wbemtest window opens, click on Connect. Enter root SecurityCenter for the namespace. If Windows 7, use root SecurityCenter2 instead.

Click on Enum Instances and then enter AntivirusProduct as the superclass name.

If more than one Antivirus product is registered with WMI, you will see more than one entry in the window. Click on each to determine which AntivirusProduct GUID corresponds to the Antivirus that is not installed. Go through the window that opens with the details.

Once you have determined which GUID corresponds to the wrong Antivirus, select it and click on the delete button. Close the query window and exit from wbemtest.


If, after this, you determine the WMI repository is clean and Spiceworks is still reporting more than one Antivirus installed, then also check the registry. There could be old registry entries that need to be cleaned out can use a registry cleaner to do that. It is also possible that if the Antivirus product has been upgraded, registry entries that are required could appear as two different Antivirus products to Spiceworks.

Check the WMI repository for an Antivirus product that is not installed